5 Ways Parents Can Help Students Build Effective Study Habits

29 Mar 2023 Foduu


Many kids struggle with studying, and multiple factors that cause a kid to lose interest in his studies. It is a common problem that children do not enjoy studying their subjects and lack concentration on doing their homework. Moreover, the pandemic had significantly impacted the classroom environment because students were home quarantined and could not get the right environment conducive for learning. As a result, the students were forced to adopt the new normal and study only through online platforms.

In the present scenario, since all the students are taking online classes from home, we must focus on how to keep the child engaged and stir his interest in the subject. As a parent, it is your responsibility to figure out the common study problems of your child and come up with a solution that can give your child a better learning environment. Watching the child struggle with studies is one of the challenging things that a parent experiences; thus, in this blog, we will discuss some of the challenges students face with their studies and a few easy ways one can take up to encourage smart learning habits.

5 Common Difficulties That Children Face With Their Studies

Every student experiences difficulties with studies one time or the other, and overcoming these challenges is part of the learning process. Such difficulties can be from temporary glitches to chronic lack of motivation and low productivity. The following are the five common challenges that generally students face with their studies.

  • The Child Faces Low Motivation: Children often lack sufficient internal drive to get through the sheer volume of work they need to achieve specific qualifications. The key to understanding low motivation is to figure out its reasons. Either the child feels stressed and doesn’t find the subject exciting or may dislike the subject’s teacher. The reasons are different for different children. 
  • There Are Too Many Distractions: In the era of technology, too many external stimuli distract the little ones from their studies—friends, social media, video games, phones, television, and many more. Creating the right environment encourages the child to be more responsible and self-controlled. With appropriate and consistent discipline, the parents can successfully cut down the distraction elements for the children.
  • The Child Faces Difficulty Concentrating: Even if you have eliminated the distraction elements, concentration can still be an issue that hinders the child’s learning. For children, it’s common to lose concentration and have a drop in productivity. Procrastination is also a symptom of lack of concentration often seen in students. Writing down the topics to study on the vision board and making flashcards of the noteworthy points or complex formulae can improvise your child’s performance to a great extent.
  • The Child Struggles With Time Management: Studying at any level requires good time management. As a parent, if you see your child struggling to meet deadlines, it is crucial that you make a set timetable for your child so that he doesn’t need to stay up late into the night to finish off the piece of homework. 
  • The Child Doesn’t Enjoy The Subject: You may have often seen your child not finding one or multiple subjects interesting. Maybe he finds it boring or thinks there is no point studying that subject as it won’t have any long-term use. A change of mindset is essential to overcome this problem. As a parent, you can take measures to make the boring subjects interesting for your child through a number of means. This will encourage him/her to look at the subject differently and study to get good grades.

5 Different Ways In Which Parents Can Help Their Children Build Effective Study Habits

Now that we have discussed the common problems a child faces with his studies; let’s discuss how parents can help their children build an effective study habit.

  • Leverage New Platforms And Technology: The recent emergence of technology has paved a new path of learning for everyone, not just students. With the internet reaching every household, you can learn just about anything you want. To keep their studies interesting, you can help your children navigate quick learning apps, education platforms, and memory game apps.
  • Encourage Short Breaks: Parents should understand that a study time stretched for long hours can make the kids feel monotonous and boring. The old proverb “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” is true in this case. As a parent, make sure that your child gets breaks in between to refresh their brain. Encourage your kid to grab a snack, check in with friends, or simply watch his favorite show during the break.
  • Praise Your Child: Children take appreciation as encouragement. Positive parenting and celebrating their big and small wins keep them motivated to perform better.   
  • Plan A Studying Schedule: Planning a study schedule is a proven strategy for success. It helps the child use his study time efficiently and keeps him at the same pace as the school. If a weekly or cumulative test is coming up, then a timetable is helpful to help the child complete the syllabus before the test.
  • Give Importance To Playing And Getting Enough Sleep: Parents often tend to give extra attention to studies and ignore a child’s extracurricular activities and sleeping habits. For a child to do good in his studies, he must pursue his hobbies and get enough sleep. Playing physical games helps a child in mental and physical growth; thus, after a study session, the parents must encourage the child to play indoor or outdoor games.

I hope you have an overview of the practical learning habits that a child must follow to perform better in his studies.